Women Making Airwaves for Peace is a joint project of Min-WoW and Isis International - Manila to promote engendered peace journalism and women's critical role in conflict transformation and peace building. The project consists os Training Workshops and Training Modules.

Training modules

Module 1: Women's Visions of Peace

Definitions of conflict and Peace * Factors that Influences the Presence and Absence of Peace * Impact of Peace and Unpeace in People's Lives * Making Women Visible: Women's participation in Peace building

Module 2: The Media on Women Portrayal and Conflict Reporting

Who controls media? * Gender Fairness as Good Editorial Policy * Re-framing our Stories * Participatory Media Approach

Training Materials:
Recognizing Power Relation in Journalism
Presentation Material

Module 3: Engendered Peace Journalism

What is Engendered Peace Journalism? * The Agenda of Engendered Peace Journalism * Sharing Holistic Values of Equality and Peace * The Power of Language * Tips on Engendered Peace Journalism

Training Materials
Presentation Material

Module 4: Transformative Potential of Community Radio for Engendered Peace Journalism

Radio as a Medium of Mass Communication * Important Tips for Broadcasting * The Broadcasting Industry * Community Radio as an Information Tool * Enhancing Media Skills
Session 1: Radio Studio Operation

Training Materials:
Exercise Path of Sound
Hand Out Studio 101 Operation
Mobile Studio
Radio Studio Operation 101 for Trainer

Session 2: Sound Editing with Audacity

Training Materials:
Installing Audacity Presentation Powerpoint format
Introduction to Free Open Source Software Presentation Powerpoint format

Session 3: Radio Interview Techniques

Training Materials:
Hand Out  Radio Interview --- Word format
Radio Interview Presentation
Radio Interview for Trainer
Radio Interview Short Presentation

Session 4: Radio Plug Production

Training Materials:
Evaluation of the Radio Plug Cultural Diversity and Culture of Peace
Hand Out Radio Plug Production --- Word format
Plug Women Fishers mp3
Radio Plug Production Presentation
Radio Plug Production for Trainer
Script Women Fishers

Guide on Gender-Sensitive Peace and Conflict Reportage

"Engendering Peace Journalism: Keeping Communities Whole" is a handy booklet with a number of useful tips for journalists.

English version
Maranao version
Visayan version

Radio Plugs on Culture of Peace and Cultural Diversity

The plugs were produced by women from the media, NGOs, and grassroots organisations who participated in the training activities in Cagayan de Oro, Zamboanga and Cotabato.

We invite radio stations to air these plugs to sensitize your audience on the importance of genuine peace, mutual understanding and respect for each other.