
More region-based events are being lined up as run-ups to the WSIS Phase Two in Tunis by both media advocates and international bodies included in the official WSIS process.

In Latin America, an international conference will take place from 22-25 July 2004 in Porto Alegre, Brazil called OURMedia/NuestrosMedios IV: Building Communication Societies. This event will serve as a pre-conference event to the International Association of Media and Communications Research (IAMCR) 2004 which will take place from 25 to 30 July 2004. IAMCR is a non-governmental international association dedicated to communication research with more than 2,000 members from 70 countries.

OURMedia/NuestrosMedios is an international network of more than 270 academics and activists, researchers, practitioners and advocates working in more than 40 countries to strengthen media and information and communication technologies (ICTs) that support social justice, human rights, community autonomy and grassroots empowerment. The network's work spans many fields such as community media, independent media, radical media, citizens media, grassroots networking, telecommunications policy, indymedia activism, cultural arts, communications theory, social-movement research, sociology, anthropology, cultural studies, development communication and communication for social change.

The topics to be discussed in this conference are the following:

  1. Connecting Research and Advocacy for Citizens' Media
  2. "Best Practices" and "Notable Failures"
  3. Current Policy Issues and Implications
  4. The Evolution of OURMedia and Project Working Sessions
For more information about this conference, please contact the organisers at:

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: http://www.ourmedianet.org/om2004

For more information about IAMCR, please visit their website at http://www.pucrs.br/famecos/iamcr/textos/grants.htm.

In the African region, another event will be held in Mauritius from 07 to 09 July 2004 entitled ICT Stakeholders' Forum: Special Focus on Least Developed Countries. This is being organised by the Commonwealth Business Council in conjunction with the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the Government of Mauritius and the E-Africa Commission.

This three-day forum aims to bring stakeholders together to examine concrete projects, proposals and models that will help integrate least developed countries into the global economy through the effective deployment of ICTs. It also hopes to bring together decision-makers from stakeholder organisations and engage them in fruitful discussions that will hopefully lead to commitments that can be implemented on the ground. The organisers are also aiming to find innovative solutions to the problem of underdevelopment and to set the stage for replicating solutions or projects that have worked elsewhere.

For further information about this event, please contact any of the following:
Mr. Shondeep Banerji
Programme Manager - ICT4D
Commonwealth Business Council (CBC)
18 Pall Mall, SW1Y 5LU
London, UK
Tel: (44-20) 7024-8229
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: http://www.cbcglobelink.org/cbcglobelink/events/ICT04/

Dr. Cosmas L. Zavazava
Head, Special Unit for Least Developed Countries
ITU Focal Point for Emergency Telecommunications
Telecommunication Development Bureau
International Telecommunication Union
Tel: (41-22) 7305-447
Fax: (41-22) 7305-5484
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.