These articles originally appeared on we!, our weekly newsletter.

New WSIS-related web sites are being developed world wide to address certain issues and carry related statements and documents.

These sites contain the latest developments (multiple and simultaneous) in the ongoing WSIS process. We deem it important for women to access these sites to monitor inputs and discussions that could be of help to the upcoming Summit and its processes.

Also, mailing lists are being set up by different groups to pursue specific discussions and conclusions. It is also important to monitor these lists since solidarity can be further enhanced among networks. Here are some of the sites we found:

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The site contains a discussion list for those interested in organising "outside" activities (alternative/counter/protest summit) following World Social Forum and related discussions that will be important for civil society to engage with the WSIS, both from within and outside the official process. To join, please send a message to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The Platform for Community Networks is a project of GlobalCN maintained by the World Forum on Community Networking in Montreal, Canada. The contents include the GlobalCN 2002 Proceedings (III Global Congress on Community Networking in the Digital Era) as well as the proposals and articles of community networks on the following themes:

  • The future of community networking
  • Internet rights, notably "lawful access" in Canada
  • Digital cities and territories
  • Women and the Internet
  • Free software
  • Youth and the Internet

Established by the Women of Uganda Network (WOUGNET), this website contains information on WSIS preparations in Uganda, which focuses on issues for women's preparation and participation in the WSIS process. The page also contains information on preparations being undertaken by the National WSIS Taskforce, established in 27 January 2003 to co-ordinate Uganda's input to PrepCom-2 in Geneva. The taskforce is also continuing preparations for the WSIS Summits in 2003 (Geneva) and 2005 (Tunis). Prior to the creation of the web site, WOUGNET hosted a web site and a mailing list for the WSIS Gender Caucus.

This is a resource site where women's involvement in the WSIS process (and related events) from May 2002 to December 2003 are charted and mapped out for easy navigation. The table maps the many WSIS and related meetings women have participated in, which have made or will make inputs to the Draft Declaration and Action Plan for the WSIS. In addition to these 'face to face meetings' there have been several online consultations which have also fed into the process. Worth noting are the UN Division for the Advancement of Women (UNDAW) and UN-INSTRAW (International Training and Research Institute for the Advancement of Women) online consultations. Where possible, links to the important gender inputs and outputs to and from the meetings were included.

For Canada's efforts regarding their WSIS participation, the country will be launching this official website for Canadians to learn more about the WSIS and their country's step-by-step approach in participating in it. The scheduled launch is this February 2003 but no specific date was given.