As PrepCom-3 is fast approaching, different women's groups and networks are continuing the established ties in order to keep the flow of useful information among advocates as dynamic and as progressive as possible.

Two new online activities were set up for gender-related activities and Global South initiatives in relation to the upcoming WSIS.

New sites and mailing lists continue to be created in conjunction with the changes in the ongoing WSIS process, and existing ones continue to evolve over time.

New schedules of events are being confirmed as civil society continues working on the WSIS process.

As WSIS participants prepare for more events that will lead up to the December 2003 Summit, various measures are continuously being undertaken by gender groups/networks and civil society organisations in order to keep the public informed of the happenings world-wide.

The WSIS Gender Caucus would like to announce that it has begun a process to recruit a full-time co-ordinator.