Information dissemination continues as WSIS-related goings-on help civil society organisations gear up for the Summit.

The third and final Preparatory Committee Meeting (PrepCom-3) of the WSIS is fast approaching, and many events that are leading up to this major event are continuing to unfold around the world. Different interest groups still continue to educate and disseminate information that would be relevant in everyone’s understanding of the Information Society (IS) as related to the WSIS.

Analyses and criticisms about the official WSIS process have been discussed every now and then in most civil society and women's groups mailing lists. Now, these analyses and criticisms are being heard by the official body helping in running the WSIS.

There have been numerous meetings worldwide to discuss participation in the upcoming WSIS phase one in December 2003.

In line with the upcoming PrepCom-3 meeting, civil society organisations can avail of fellowships in order to attend the meeting in Geneva, Switzerland from 15-26 September 2003.

Now that PrepCom-2 is over and PrepCom-3 is fast approaching, several online initiatives are being launched in connection with the Geneva phase of the WSIS this coming December 2003.