The Swiss Agency for Development and Co-operation (SDC) and the Global Knowledge Partnership (GKP) are organising the "ICT for Development Platform" to show how information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) can be used to reduce poverty and promote development.

Following the entry of lobbyists from proprietary business interests, international governments' support for open source software have considerably cooled down.

The third Preparatory Committee meeting for the World Summit on the Information Society (PrepCom3) that took place from 15-26 September 2003 in Geneva aimed at forging consensus on the contents of the Declaration and Plan of Action which are to be adopted by Heads of States and Governments at the Geneva phase of the Summit on 10-12 December 2003. The meeting also considered the Summit Rules of Procedure and arrangements for participation and organisation of work.

The Geneva_03 project is organising WSIS? WE SEIZE!, an initiative that will serve as an open platform for interventions in, outside of, counter to, and as an alternative to the agendas and organisation of the WSIS.

Several statements were issued by civil society organisations (CSOs) in response to the latest draft of WSIS documents drawn up at the recently concluded PrepCom3 of the World Summit on the Information Society held in Geneva, Switzerland.

NGOs and other civil society organisations (CSOs) are indignant over the results of the deliberation in the first week of the ongoing 3rd Preparatory Committee meeting of the World Summit on the Information Society in Geneva.