Civil society interventions made during the first few days of WSIS PrepCom-3 urged governments and those involved in the WSIS processes to have stronger commitments in promoting and upholding basic human rights.

The World Association of Former United Nations Internes and Fellows (WAFUNIF) is holding a Symposium on the theme, "How to Upgrade the Communication Infrastructure and Improve the Quality of Life in Developing Countries." It will be held on 9-10 December 2003 at the Palexpo Exhibition Center in Geneva, the same venue as the WSIS. Several UN bodies and the Alliance Forum are co-operating in its convening.

"The emergence of a networked knowledge society in the next twenty to thirty years is a major paradigm shift from the industrial model of the nineteenth and twentieth century. This transition is of crucial importance in opening up new opportunities for education, social inclusion, and more efficient use of resources. Information and communication technologies are the effective tools of this transition,"

New regional efforts to participate in the WSIS, as well as other WSIS-related information dissemination initiatives, continue to be built and strengthened as more and more people are becoming aware of the Summit's processes.


These articles originally appeared on we!, our weekly newsletter.

In this issue, we will continue featuring the different statements that were released and delivered during the WSIS Intersessional Meeting which took place in Paris, France from 15-18 July 2003.


These articles originally appeared on we!, our weekly newsletter.

Civil society organisations (CSO) had been busy the past few weeks preparing what needs to be finished in time for the WSIS Intersessional Meeting. The event recently took place in Paris, France from 15-18 July 2003.