
Free and Open Source (FOSS)-related initiatives in the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region are being sought.


The Instituto del Tercer Mundo (ITeM) or the Third World Institute is seeking scholars and activists to participate in a research project intended to contribute to the second phase of the WSIS decision-making process.


More region-based events are being lined up as run-ups to the WSIS Phase Two in Tunis by both media advocates and international bodies included in the official WSIS process.


As the first preparatory committee meeting of Phase Two of WSIS, the issue of Internet governance is once again highlighted by concerned media advocates in a recent global event.


Plans are underway for some run-up events to the WSIS Phase 2, such as the satellite event on science and technology that will precede the Summit.


As part of the preparations for the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) that will be held from 10-12 December 2003 in Geneva, the cities of Lyon and Geneva have taken the joint initiative to organise Cities e World-Lyon 2003, the first world summit of cities and local authorities on the information society.