[Editor's Note: This is the output of Nepal's recently concluded national consultation on Beijing + 15, held from 13-14 September 2009 in Kathmandu]

Recalling the Twelve Critical Areas of Concern relating to women's rights, equality, peace and development embraced in the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action adopted during the historic UN Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing, China in 1995;

Recognizing the Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), 1979 and its Optional Protocol as milestone documents on women's rights and equality and recalling the principle of "Women's Rights are Human Rights" incorporated in the

Vienna Declaration and Program of Action adopted by the UN Second World Conference on Human Rights held in Vienna, Austria in 1993 as well as the Cairo Declaration and Plan of Action endorsed by the World Conference on Population and Development held in Cairo, Egypt in 1994 prior to the Beijing Conference;

Recalling the Five-year Review of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (Beijing+5) and its Outcome Document held in New York in 2000 and subsequent "Millennium Development Goals" promulgated by the UN's Millennium Summit in September of the same year in which "Gender Equality" has been embodied as one of the most important cross-cutting component goals;

Realizing the urgency to establish accountability mechanism and ending the culture of impunity through effective implementation of the provisions included in UNSCR 1325 and 1820 concerning women' participation in conflict prevention, resolution, peace and security, and combating violence against women respectively;

The two-day National Conference organized by the National Network for Beijing+15 Review Nepal (NNBN) comprising of various civil society organizations working in the field of women's rights and human rights across the country held in Kathmandu on 13-14 September, 2009 with the objective of reviewing the achievements and challenges 15 years after the Beijing Conference, has unanimously promulgated the 12-point Kathmandu Declaration with the prime slogan 'Keeping the Beijing Commitment Alive" ;

Through this Declaration, we express the following concerns to the Government of Nepal:

Incorporate fully the essence and spirit of the Twelve Critical Areas of Concern of the Beijing Platform for Action in the new constitution by ensuring issues such as education, health, employment, accommodation and food as fundamental rights and amend the existing laws in compliance with CEDAW and other relevant international instruments on women through affirmative action to end all forms of discrimination against women.

Formulate a high level constitutional monitoring mechanism to effectively implement the laws and the National Plan of Action endorsed to end all forms of discriminations and violence against women and trafficking; and ensure women's proportionate and meaningful participation in all bodies, functionaries and decision-making process of the state.

Ensure meaningful participation of women in all processes related to the proposed "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" in order to create a conducive environment for sustainable peace and reconciliation; and end the culture of impunity by effectively implementing UNSCR 1325 and 1820 on women, peace, security, and violence against women respectively.

Review, revisit and amend the National Plan of Action adopted a decade ago to implement the BPFA in collaboration and coordination with civil society organizations and ensure its effective implementation through the formation of a high level monitoring mechanism.