FeministMeeting1Can feminist meetings be more... feminist? How can me make our meeting spaces more liberatory, democratic and creative?

Those where the some of the questions explored by participants at 'Changing the World One Meeting at a Time: Facilitation as Feminist Praxis', a workshop conducted by Isis International at the 2nd Asia Pacific Feminist Forum (APFF).

Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD) brought together feminists from all over Asia, the Pacific and other regions for the APFF which took place from 30 May - 1 June 2014, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Over three and a half hours, Isis International shared core principals of facilitating meetings and other group processes that promote liberatory, genuinely participatory spaces. Putting feminism into action begins within our organisations and meetings.

The workshop was well received by the participants. During the closing circle they reflected on how the potential and challenges applying what they had learnt in their own contexts.

One participant noted: “For me, before coming to this workshop, there were times in my life as a feminist, considering all my passions and the principles that we live in, there were times in my life that I considered meetings really a burden. And now I've come to the realisation that it shouldn't be, because it's really actually walking the talk. These sort of meetings are really living the feminist life that we all want. So I'm taking with me the inspiration and renewed appreciation and recognition of what meetings really are to ordinary women."