by Sheryl Ho

Based on its 36 years experience, Isis International, a feminist development communication organization, launched its Activists School for Feminist Development Communications in Manila, Philippines on April 5th 2010.

ChineseNGO6The development of new media and information, communication and technologies (ICTs) has drastically changed the way of social mobilization and organizing, as well as movement building and advocacy. This Activist School aims to strategically utilize the media and ICTs to strengthen social movement and advocacies. It conducts in-house and on-site training seminars bringing together women activists and development practitioners to share and learn from each other on the theory and practice of development communication to strengthen cause-oriented advocacies on the various issues. As well, the Actvist School aims to develop and sharpen skills in community radio, journalism and publication, film and video, theatre, and convergent media technology for networking.

by Carole Shaw (JERA International)

Reflections on Day 2

The sun shone brightly this morning as most of the snow from the sidewalks disappears. A crisp morning and an early start to the day found yet more queues to get passes to get into the UN Building.

by Carole Shaw (JERA International)

Today saw the beginning of the CSW 54th session. The 15 year review and appraisal of the Beijing Platform for Action. It was reported that over 8,500 NGO delegates are registered for this CSW session. Review years are extremely important as this allows governments, NGO’s UN agencies and bodies to measure progress on the Beijing Platform for Action.

by Carole Shaw (JERA International)

Day2 of the Global NGO Forum featured 2 further panels –‘Voices from Around the World : Regional Priorities and Action” and “Fulfilling the promise of gender equality, peace and development; Women Peace and Security, Strengthening Institutional Mechanisms, World Economic Crisis, Building Women’s Leadership and the Millennium Development Goals”.

by Carole Shaw (JERA International)

Over the last few days, New York has seen more diversity and colour than usual arriving through the airports, roads and trains. Bit by bit, like pieces of a giant colourful jigsaw, women representing non government organizations and government organsiations from around the world have arrived in New York to participate in the Global NGO Forum for Women and to participate in the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) 54th Session. Many women faced up to 30 hours delay in flights to get to New York. This is the major policy making forum for women at the United Nations and this year is the 15 year review of the Beijing Platform for Action, a groundbreaking treaty for advancing the situation of women globally.

Isis International will be participating in the 54th session of the Commission on the Status of Women in New York, USA, from March 1 to 12, as well as several parallel events, February 27th -28th 2010.

Apart of speaking engagements in the Global Forum and CSW54 parallel sessions, Isis International will continue its commitments to document the feminist visions and monitor Beijing process by recording and podcasting during the CSW and global forum. Isis International's information and communication work will focus on the voices of women in global south, especially Asia Pacific region on the issues of media and gender, food security, climate change, peace and conflict, etc.

Podcast of the selected parallel sessions, audio interview with participants, as well as other on-site reportage will be uploaded on this website.