Various international women's organisations have now joined hands for the Gender Equality Architecture Reform (GEAR) campaign, which aims to fast track the adoption and implementation of the recommendations towards strengthening the gender equality architecture at the UN.

Human Rights Defender Mary Jane Real shared the extent and limitations of women's engagement with the UN Human Rights Council. She also shared her insights on how women's groups, particularly those from the South, could continue to push for women's human rights in different spaces.

Even after almost seven years since UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace, and security was passed, much still needs to be done in achieving its vision. Women’s organisations and peace activists, particularly those based in the global South, remain committed to ensuring its full implementation.

Women’s groups and women’s rights activists in the predominantly Catholic Latin American region continue to be at the forefront of debates on women’s sexual and reproductive rights. Cuba, Guyana, and Mexico City have declared abortion legal. Will Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Nicaragua, and Uruguay follow suit?

Political leaders from 10 African countries jointly called for the legalisation of safe abortion in the region, in an effort to decrease maternal mortality among African women. This move to make abortion safe and accessible may reflect an emerging trend across the continent.

Noeleen Heyzer, UNIFEM executive director, has recently been appointed Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) in Bangkok with the rank of Under-Secretary-General.