Thailand recently approved a new law that criminalises marital rape. Offenders now face up to 20 years in jail and a fine of 40,000 baht.

Egypt is now imposing a complete ban on female circumcision following the death of a 12-year-old Egyptian girl at the hands of a doctor during the operation. The incident has sparked a public outcry and prompted health and religious authorities to ban the practice.

Mozambique's legislators are currently reviewing the country's abortion ban and are now planning to propose a law that would lift the ban when the parliament reconvenes in October 2007. The step is being taken after the country's Ministry of Health revealed that the current legislation endangers women’s lives.

In this Isis interview, former Chair of the UN Commission on the Status of Women Patricia Licuanan shares her views on the interventions of women’s organisations from the South towards strengthening the UN gender equality architecture. What advice does she have for women’s organisations to ensure that this recommendation pushes through?

Isis International-Manila invites feminists, researchers, and academics to submit original work on or related to feminist political ecology—the theme for the upcoming second issue of Isis’ Women in Action (WIA) this year.

The Human Rights Council faces demands from more than 150 women’s and human rights organisations and 56 states to integrate gender in the Council’s permanent agenda and programme of work, including the review of the Special Procedures and the universal periodic review. Find out their demands.