Getting access to primary education in Yemen, especially for girls, is a big challenge.

Pakistans Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz, in a conference recently organised by the Women Development Ministry, gave a glowing report about the governments actions toward empowering women in the country. Among the steps reportedly taken was the enforcement of a policy on reserving seats of office for women in local bodies.

With the rising incidence of women living with HIV/AIDS worldwide, the Womens Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR) is launching a Call for Action together with advocates and other international groups on May 28. The activity is part of the celebration of the International Day of Action for Womens Health.

Women's groups in Iran calling for reforms in their country's constitution were beaten and arrested during a women's day assembly last March 8, 2006. At least 2000 women were holding a peaceful assembly after being refused a permit to rally that day when police violence erupted, reports Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML).

Greater access to safe abortions and revision of abortion laws became the rallying points among activists and researchers in the recent Regional Consultation on Unsafe Abortion in Africa held in Ethiopia on  March 21-23.

Not a single nation in the world - whether developed, developing, or least developed - provides women the same opportunities as men, according to a recently released Social Watch report entitled No Country Treats its Women the Same as its Men: The Gender Equity Index-A New Perspective. While much progress has been made in recent years, the report further notes, women still have much to strive for, particularly in the twin areas of economic and political empowerment.