Women from 50 countries scored the United Nations (UN) for disregarding gender parity in its restructuring processes and for failing to achieve equal representation between men and women in positions within the UN.

Since 1975, March 8 has been celebrated as International Women's Day (IWD) not only to commemorate the strides women have made, but also as a reminder that women still have a lot of steps to make to reach that elusive goal of equality.

In an important move for womens reproductive rights, the Australian Parliament concluded a very emotional debate and voted to end a de-factoban on the availability of the abortion drug RU486.

Women only occupy 16.3%of the worlds parliamentary seats. Focus the spotlight on the Pacific region and women fare even worse at just 13.9%.

Women make up 52% of the worlds population, yet feature in only 21% of news stories each day, results of the 2005 Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) show.

In an effort to curb the threat of a shrinking work population, the Japanese government is taking measures to encourage the country’s women to enter and remain in the workforce.