16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence

Take Action Kit - 2013

The 16 Days Take Action Kit for 2013 can be downloaded in PDF or Microsoft Word format. Currently, the Kit is available in English, with French and Spanish forthcoming later this summer.  The Theme Announcement is available in over 25 languages with other languages also forthcoming. If you are willing to translate any of the following materials into a different language, please contact the Center at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

ARROW - Asian-Pacific Resource & Research Centre for Women    

This Asia-Pacific monitoring report is part of ARROW's Global South ICPD+20 monitoring initiative. ARROW has consistently monitored the implementation of sexual and reproductive health and rights in the Asia-Pacific region, to assess progress/lack of progress in select countries with the support of national level partners. As a result of this work over the years, ARROW has accumulated the experience in developing critical SRHR monitoring indicators; a methodology of carrying out monitoring and advocacy around the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Programme of Action.

ARROW in the past has monitored the ICPD implementation in the Asia-Pacific region in 1999, 2005 and 2009. We had realised that in the lead up to 2014-2015, it is critical to bring together voices of a larger constituency, whose lives will be impacted by the proposed new development framework being negotiated in 2014-2015. Representing the global south voices and taking the agenda of monitoring SRHR beyond the Asia-Pacific region to include the larger global south voices is seen as critical at this time, especially to influence and enable the ownership of the SRHR agenda in such a way that any action plans around SRHR beyond 2014 will take into account the voices from the southern women and young people, and their lived realities.

n-peace awardees 2013


Eight peace advocates have been named N-Peace Awardees 2013.

"Advocacy films may show the struggles and problems of people but the final message counters defeat...the advocacy is in the final message of hope."

So concluded ‘Digital Video Production for Activists’, a workshop conducted by Isis International in Quezon City, Philippines, from 10-11 June 2012.

‘Digital Video Production for Activists’ was an echoing of the Citizen Video Journalism Activist School for Women from the Middle East and Afghanistan conducted in Bangkok in December 2012 by Iranian activist and film-maker Mahbouhbeh Abbasgholizadeh. Based on the results of that Activist School, Isis International saw the need to echo the training in the Philippines, where a dynamic civil society has demonstrated an eagerness to incorporate information and communication technology into their advocacy work.

One Billion Rising Campaign Deepens and Expands with Focus on Justice

International Activist and Actor Monique Wilson Named One Billion Rising Director

New Short Film & Website Unveiled

8 July 2013 - Today, V-Day, the global movement to end violence against women and girls, and the One Billion Rising campaign announced the launch of ONE BILLION RISING FOR JUSTICE. The campaign will build upon the energy and momentum that was created in 2013 when one billion activists in 207 countries came together to strike, dance, and rise to end violence against women and girls. This year, we will focus on the issue of justice for all survivors of gender violence, and ending the rampant impunity that prevails globally.

Statement of Support

Mindanao PeaceWeavers (MPW), united in our common desire to build a lasting peace and future for all peoples in Mindanao, continuing with our reflection and discernment on the pace and progress of the current peace process between the Government of the Philippines (GPH) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), put forward our urgent concerns and calls:

While at this stage of the peace process, eight months removed since the signing of the historic Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro (FAB), we note with alarm and concern the lag in the accomplishments in the negotiations when contrasted with the timelines and roadmap to peace mutually agreed upon.  This lack of development has given rise to conjecture and negativity towards the peace process and joint agreements reached thus far.  Furthermore, this lack of progress has allowed detractors and naysayers to gain traction in public discourse, eating away at the support the peace process has painstakingly gained. Nevertheless, we encourage both panels to persevere, in uniting on common ideals and detailing the mechanisms needed to make them work. As they resume their discussions in Kuala Lumpur today through the 10th, we all wish the members of both panels renewed enthusiasm, vigor and hope in defining the true promise of Mindanao.