In achieving gender equality, how does one address the large remaining gap between policy and practice? What are the interrelationships among health, education and work for enabling women’s participation in development? What conditions facilitate women’s representation in decision-making processes? What difference would women’s presence in decision-making bodies make on policy formulation and political institutions?

The symbolic World Court of Women and the informal International Women’s Tribunal of the World Social Forum (WSF) recently denounced the destruction caused by globalisation.

Women with disabilities face particular disadvantages in various areas of life compared to men with disabilities, reports Disabled Peoples’ International.

The first international treaty on disability rights is likely to be finalised by the end of the year. This was the optimistic prediction of the United Nations (UN) committee overseeing the convention as its three-week session drew to a close last February 3.

Much more needs to be done to collect data crucial in planning and formulating policies and programmes for improving women’s lives, a recently released United Nations report revealed.

The year 2005 saw major strides for women’s political participation.