Women-Loving-Women in Africa and Asia

This report is the result of the work of an amazing group of women from Asia and Africa who came together to research into the conditions of women in same-sex relations in their countries. The report is edited by Saskia E. Wieringa.

Charlotte Bunch and Sharon Bhagwan Rolls at Global Gender Equality Architecture Reform (GEAR) Campaign meeting.

Sharon is the founder and executive director of FemLINKPACIFIC, a regional women’s community media NGO, based in Fiji, and vice-president of the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC) Pacific sub-region. Sharon is also part of the Isis International general membership governing body.

The Women's Legal and Human Rights Bureau (WLB)  was the first feminist legal NGO ever established in the Philippines and was among the pioneers of feminist legal practice and advocacy in Asia. Founded in 1990, WLB continues to make strategic interventions locally, regionally and internationally.

WLB issued the following statement on the occasion of the Philippine government report to the thirteenth session of United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) on 29 May 2012.

Arguably, the Philippines has been exemplary in the score of treaties, agreements, laws and programmes it has signed and adopted to protect and fulfil women’s rights, and it continues to rank high in global gender equality measures and indices. However, many of these are constantly breached, with discrimination, violence and injustice against Filipino women remaining an everyday occurrence in the country today.

Letter from the Women’s Caucus and other civil society organizations and network participants of the ASEAN People’s Forum/ASEAN Civil Society Conference 2012 to the Government of Cambodia demanding justice for the communities within Phnom Penh that have lost their land and homes. It has also been signed and endorsed by other women’s and civil society organizations:

by Lan Mercado

Oxfam Advisor to the ASEAN for Partnership and Resource Mobilisation for ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response and former Oxfam Country Director for the Philippines and former Regional Programme Manager for East and South Asia

Disasters have started to make big headlines, mainly for the drama that it evokes. While the attention that all kinds of media puts on the scale of a disaster’s impact and the suffering that people caught in one go through is welcome, this kind of focus excludes many other aspects of disasters.

Call for Action

Isis International has endorsed the following letter of the Women Human Rights Defenders calling for the immediate release of Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja, a well-known and highly respected human rights defender who has been a strong and peaceful advocate for the rights of women in Bahrain and throughout the Middle East; and the letter of Nazra for Feminist Studies, Egypt also calling for his release and for the Government of Bahrain to respect the human rights of his daughters, Maryam Al-Khawaja and Zainab Al-Khawaja.

We encourage you and your organizations to write similar letters.