A cross cultural seminar on women's participation in climate change adaptation, disaster mitigation and peace building through community radio

by Bianca Miglioretto, Isis International


Thirty women community radio broadcasters from nine countries from mainly South and Central Asia have gathered in Mysore, Karnataka, India to participate in the 6-day Women Making Airwaves for Peace (WMAP) seminar from February 13 – 18 2010. Women Making Airwaves for Peace is composed of experience sharing, skills sharing and radio productions. The participants are resource persons, trainers, trainees and radio journalists at the same time.

[Editor’s Note: This article was taken from the Story of Stuff website. Isis International also featured Annie Leonard, this and her other film, the Story of Stuff in the latest issue of Women in Action, “Women in a Weary World.”]

The Story of Stuff Project and Climate Justice Now!—an international network of climate justice advocates—released The Story of Cap & Trade, a 9-minute animated film on carbon trading, on 1 December 2009 worldwide at www.storyofcapandtrade.org. Hosted by Annie Leonard, the creator of the viral video hit The Story of Stuff, (viewed worldwide over 8 million times), the Story of Cap & Trade is the first in a series of six short films the Story of Stuff Project is releasing over the coming year with Free Range Studios (www.freerangestudios.com) and more than a dozen of the world’s leading sustainability organizations.

02WiA2009_cover150dpiIsis International released its second issue of Women in Action for 2009, “Women in a Weary World: Climate Change and Women in the Global South. This issue raises awareness on the gendered impacts of climate change in the global South and the role of women as key stakeholders in averting the devastating potentials of climate change in the survival of their communities and their surrounding environment.

by Nina Somera, Isis International

Copenhagen, Denmark (14 October 2009) - The Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has just announced that less and less participants from civil society organisations (CSOs) will be allowed entrance at the Bella Centre in the coming days as heads of State arrive.

by Bianca Miglioretto, Isis International

Women from all over Asia and the Pacific will come together in Manila to discuss the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA) on  women's equality that was adopted 15 years ago at the 4th UN World Conference on Women in 1995 in Beijing.

by Nina Somera, Isis International

Bangkok, Thailand - The group G77 and China expressed its frustration over the apparent derailing tactics of developed nations led by the United States (US). It also confirmed that some developed countries are attempting to withdraw from the Kyoto Protocol, that is a binding commitment of 184 countries in reducing greenhouse gases.