Pushing and prodding, goading and hand-holding is how the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) describes civil societys future efforts to the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) concluded last year.

Thailands judicial system upholds press freedom as it acquits Thailands media activist Supinya Klangnarong from libel charges filed two years ago by the Shin Corporation, a giant telecommunications firm. Supinyas acquittal, announced on March 15, 2006, has given hope to Thai journalists to continue their work despite the intimidation of large companies.

Technology is always in combat with heat, dust, and electricity fluctuations. Computer failures commonly occur because of high humidity, high temperatures, and harsh weather conditions, especially in developing countries where technology is more vulnerable to the elements. To address this problem, a new durable computer capable of battling weather and energy conditions in Third World countries is currently under testing and development. Dubbed the Solo Computer, the new technology is being designed by the Fantsuam Foundation, a non-profit organisation in Nigeria. The computers low-power design enables it to be used even away from electrical sources and can easily adapt to harsh and demanding environments.

Community radio can help build participatory practice in society. It facilitates people's access to and promotes participation in local-level decision making-processes which ultimately results to participatory governance.  This is according to Ahmed Swapan Mahmud, executive director of Voices for Interactive Choice and Empowerment (VOICE) at a roundtable on 'Community Radio' organised by media groups in Agargaon, India in March 2006.

The Asian Media Information and Communication Centre (AMIC) will hold its 15th annual conference, in Penang, Malaysia from the 17th to the 20th of July 2006.

Digital video cameras are not just for family gatherings, weddings and vacations.

For five women, including photo-journalist and Biology Major Ong Ju Lin of Malaysia, this handy gadget is the tool to promote human rights, social justice and equality.