Participants of the recently concluded conference of OURMedia, held from 11 to 15 August 2008 in Accra, Ghana made a collective commitment of expanding the democratic spaces which can enable more meaningful conversations and dialogues and sharing of expertise and resources.

Accra, Ghana – OurMedia accomplished yet another milestone as it hosted the 7^th international conference on community radio and alternative media from 11 to 15 August 2008 in Accra, Ghana. With the theme “Identity, Inclusion and Innovation,” the conference was also an auspicious event as it coincided with the 10^th year of Radio Ada, the first community radio ever built in Ghana and the 25^th year of AMARC Africa.

(Last of a Two-part Series)

In this second and final part of our conversation, Privacy International's senior policy adviser Gus Hosein further discussed the right to privacy as among the initial casualties of the commercialisation of the internet and ultimately, the so-called “war on terror.” Albeit the paranoia manufactured by Bush administration following the September 11 events and its disastrous results have been interrogated and criticised in recent years, signs still point to the need for a heightened vigilance over our right to privacy.

Taipei, Taiwan - Fifteen young feminists from Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia and the Philippines gathered together from 26-29 August 2008 in Taipei, Taiwan to discuss issues and opportunities confronting young women who commit themselves to feminist and social movements. Organised by Unninetwork, “Let’s Talk, Difference and Solidarity Between You and Me,” sought to explore the possibilities of defining “Asian feminism” and solidarities despite varying political, economic and social contexts.

First of a Two Part Series)

As part of our aim in resurfacing the highlights of the 2001 World Conference Against Racism which was immediately overshadowed by the events of September 11, 2001, Isis International interviewed Gus Hosein, senior policy adviser of Privacy International. Privacy International has been monitoring State-sanctioned intrusions to an individual’s right to privacy especially since 9/11. Part 1 of our conversation reviews the dynamics between privacy as a human right and a cultural practice in communications. Part 2 will further deal with the continuing threats to privacy, particularly in the context of the so called, “war on terror,” even as the Bush administration is about to come to its end.

Bangkok, Thailand - As Thailand braced for the verdict on its former prime minister, who once gravely threatened the media, women’s groups gathered to further discuss the kind of information and communication tools that matter to them.