Gender and Agriculture/Rural Development in the Information Society

A Small Grants Fund to address Gender Issues in Information and  Communication Technologies for Agricultural and Rural Development in  Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific (ACP Countries)

Protect its state-owned monopoly of telecommunication or open itself up for competition?

The government of Papua New Guinea (PNG) is facing criticism for choosing a protective stance and setting a policy to sustain the state monopoly on telecommunication services, specially international phone calls. PNG's  Ministry of Communication and Information came out with an Information Communication Technology (ICT) policy in April 2008 citing economic and social development goals for enforcing the monopoly held by state-owned telecommunications company Telikom. 

MANILA - Isis International along with partners Aalochana Centre for Documentation and Research on Women (India), Civil Media Development Institute (Thailand), FemLINK Pacific: Media Initiatives for Women (Fiji) & HELP Resources, Inc. (Papua New Guinea) launched the book and the campaign PC4D- Peoples Communications for Development. PC4D is a three-year research involving non-government organisations and grassroots women in five countries: Fiji, India, Papua New Guinea, Thailand, and the Philippines. The research showed which information communication tools (ICTs) are most accessible, effective, and empowering for grassroots women.


Women's equality and the important role of women in every field of human endeavour has been acknowledged through international instruments, national constitutions and by societies across the globe.

A panel on Gender and Public Policies in Asia Pacific was also held on 28 February 2008 by the Asia Pacific Women Watch in New York. Presenters reported a review of public policies in their country and suggested more advocacies for policy-making that addresses women's concerns.

The World Association for Christian Communication (WACC) will holds its 5th Women and Communication Photogrpahic Competition. For the 3rd time, the competition will be run on the photography hosting site Flickr ( Deadline for entries is May 1, 2008