Cora Weiss, 24 May 2011, openDemocracy

"We can not pluck rape out of war and let the war go on. We must not make war safe for women. It is time to abolish war," - Cora Weiss on the Nobel Women's Initiative conference on ending sexual violence in conflict.

Congratulations to the Nobel Women for convening a conference on violence, women and peace....I understand that Jody Williams' opening speech, which I have not yet read but - I have heard from friends - quoted me, was also devoted to peace. Her quote prompted this brief essay.

This letter by the NGO Coalition on Human Rights was sent to the editors of the Fiji Times and the Fiji Sun in regards to the assassination of Osama bin Laden on Friday May 13 2011.

Title: Be the change

Dear Editor,

The actions of the Obama administration seem to suggest that the so called War Against Terror had always been the War Against Osama.

For a country that preaches the value for democracy, human rights and adherence to international law to others, it is quite unbelievable that US President Obama, whose presidential campaign was ‘Be The Change’, could violate the basic tenets of these concepts when it suits him.

For immediate release: 20 May 2011 By Dr Muna Mushahwar

As peace advocates from around the world relayed heart rending stories of violence and oppression, they also expressed their ongoing hope that a movement of peace will prevail during the proceedings of the second day of the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation (IEPC) being held in Kingston, Jamaica.


3 May 2011, Manila: A report in the Philippines has raised chills of another rice crisis, barely three years after the 2008 shortage that saw poor Filipinos lining up for food rations. The current controversy in the Philippines, with the government denying any looming rice crisis despite a report citing the shrinking supply of rice for its 90 million population points to what is wrong with its food and farming systems.

By Jeannette Andrade
Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 04:06:00 03/07/2011

MANILA, Philippines—When Sister Mary John Mananzan first received an e-mail informing her that she had been named one of the top 100 inspiring people in the world, she thought that it was another spam message.

Mananzan, executive director of the Institute of Women’s Studies of St. Scholastica’s College, told the Philippine Daily Inquirer that she was overwhelmed when she discovered how prestigious was the Women Deliver 100 list that included US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

By Mary Ann M. Arnado
in Davao City

The question that is frequently asked is "Why an All-Women Contingent of the Mindanao Peoples Caucus (MPC) in the Civilian Protection Component (CPC) of the International Monitoring Team (IMT)?" Why women? The knee-jerk reaction, albeit, a nasty one is, why not? Why is women's participation in any formal peace and security structure always put into question?