The UN Human Rights Council is on the world spotlight as civil society and some states await its action on ongoing political situation in Burma. Calls for concrete resolutions from the Council have been demanded by Asia-Pacific human rights organisations.

Burmese monks are leading nationwide protests against the military junta that has run their country for decades after a surge of fuel prices in August. Nearly 100,000 people, monks and civilians alike, have joined the protest calling for better living conditions, national reconciliation, and the release of Nobel Peace laureate and Burma pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

Thailand, Indonesia, and Chile have all recently signed new free trade agreements (FTAs) with Japan. Critics say this move allows Japan to privatise other countries’ natural resources for the benefit of Japanese corporations, rather than result into equitable partnerships.

On September 21, thousands of individuals and groups around the world will celebrate the annual International Day of Peace in various ways. Find out the activities lined up by peace advocates to commemorate this event.

The Yanomami, indigenous peoples living in the Amazon rainforest in Brasil, are protesting a draft mining law that may force them to expose their protected indigenous lands to international mining companies. Find out their concerns and their ways of making their objections heard.

The aftermath of the 2004 Asian tsunami remains visible in Sri Lanka as reconstruction is taking more time than expected, bringing prolonged suffering to women and children. Conflict and unequal aid distribution are the primary causes. Find out what hardships women and children face amidst the sluggish rehabilitation process in the country.