The UN Human Rights Council was established in 2006 to replace the widely discredited Human Rights Commission. Through the reforms it intends to adopt, the Council aims to better promote and protect human rights around the world. But a year after its existence, activists are saying that the Council has acquired the same flaws that its predecessor had.

Angry rural villagers in south-western China engaged in protests as they become the target of the recently renewed efforts to implement the country’s one-child family planning policy. Forced abortions, sterilisation, and immoderate fines imposed on violators sparked fury among the local residents.

With no clear directions yet if negotiators of the Doha round will reach an agreement by the end of June or end of the year, the European Union has announced that it will engage in bilateral and regional free trade agreements to improve Europe’s market access. What responses have civil society organisations across Europe, Latin America, and Asia made in opposition to EU’s move?

German police has launched large-scale raids in 40 private houses and social centres in Berlin, Hamburg, and Bremen. Their target: alleged terrorists planning to disrupt the upcoming G8 world economic summit in Rostock, Germany. Activists and G8 protesters who have gathered in these centres for the Summit cry foul.

Latin American and Caribbean feminist networks met to consolidate their position regarding gender reforms in the United Nations and on the possible creation of a new UN agency devoted to women. What are their concerns, recommendations, and strategies?

Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) recently released “Dossier 28,” a collection of articles on secularism, while the “Equal Rights, Equal Voices–Migrant women in the European Union” by the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is also off the press. Find out how to access these publications.