Upcoming international summit on women’s leadership on HIV and AIDS and a regional conference on reproductive and sexual health and rights call for participants and presenters, respectively. Find out how you can participate.

Civil society organisations and social movements from African, Caribbean, and Pacific (ACP) countries launched a coordinated protest last April 19 to call for the stop of the European Union’s (EU) unfair trade deals. Find out their demands and recommendations.

Activists and civil society groups are preparing to protest capitalist and neo-liberal economic systems represented and promoted by G8, a group of the eight richest nations in the world. The rally and the Alternative Summit will take place simultaneously with the G8 summit in Germany in June 2007. Find out how you can participate in the protests.

The Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice at the University of San Diego in San Diego, California is offering four fellowships to qualified applicants for its Women PeaceMakers Program, while the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy (TFD) is now accepting nominations for the Asia Democracy and Human Rights Award (ADHRA). Find out how to apply.

Various civil society organisations are now urging developing countries to fight for food sovereignty which is presently threatened by the resumption of the negotiations on the Doha Development Round. Find out the concerns raised by these organisations.

Discussions with about 7,500 women affected by the 2004 tsunami in five Asian and African countries revealed that women continue to face violence, discrimination, and exploitation, a report said. What challenges do these women face at present and what are their calls to actions?