Launched at the World Social Forum 2007 in Nairobi, Kenya, the “Decent Work for Decent Life,” campaign advocates for workers’ fair wages, security, right to dialogue, and protection of workers’ rights. Find out more about this campaign.

Download “Warning Signs of Fundamenlisms” for free from the Women Living Under Muslim Laws website at <>. This book contains papers on fundamentalisms relating to various contexts and global issues.

Channel Foundation, through its Women Leadership Scholarship programme, is offering scholarships for women in grassroots organising. Also, two universities in Canada are now seeking applicants for their joint programme on Visiting Scholars in Feminist Perspectives on Globalisation. Find out how you can apply.

The Global Fund for Women is now giving grants to women's organisations outside the US to support their efforts in protecting and promoting women's rights and advancing gender equality. Find out how you can access these grants.

The Sexual Violence Research Initiative invites individuals to be part of their Coordinating Group. Find out how you can nominate.

Sexual rights and social justice. These have been the clamor of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) activists at the World Social Forum in Nairobi, Kenya. What ways have the LGBT community come up with to finally achieve equality in Africa and the rest of the world?