While the Japanese economy is picking up after a decade-long malaise, the growing number of non-regular workers, many of them losing out on their social welfare benefits, are desperately trying to survive. Most of these non-regular workers are either freeters on dispatched workers.

Barely eight days in office as Prime Minister of Solomon Islands, Snyder Rini resigned his post on 26 April when 29 of the 50-member Parliament gave him a no-confidence vote. Throngs of jubilant Solomon Islanders packed the streets to celebrate the resignation of an unpopular prime minister whose election sparked two days of violent protests.

A new power dynamics has emerged within the World Trade Organization (WTO) as alliances formed by the so-called weak majority are determined to counter the hegemony of rich countries.

It took a blind human rights activist to make the people in Chinas Shandong Province see their right to speak out against grave human rights abuses by local government officials. In his campaign to stop the use of forced abortions and sterilization in the name of Chinas one-child policy, Chen Guangcheng, 34, became a hero.

The idea of innovative financing for development (FfD) is now on the agenda of all major international fora and gaining support from the international community. This is according to Susan George, chair of the board of the Transnational Institute in Amsterdam, and an advocate of small taxes on international speculative transactions, who made the comment in the wake of a decision by 13 countries to introduce a levy on commercial flight tickets.

There is life after the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and Bolivia, South America's poorest country is proving that financial independence from the financial institution is possible.