Water is a fundamental and inalienable human right. Thus, providing access to clean and affordable water should be the national governments responsibility and must not be appropriated for profit by the business sector.

Fifty-seven years after Burma gained independence from the British, an ethnic rebel group continues to struggle for political independence, even as other ethnic groups had long given up the fight. The Karen National Union (KNU), one of Burma's oldest ethnic rebel groups, celebrated last week its anniversary and vowed to carry on despite being ignored by the international community and the world’s media.

Corruption in health care systems deprive treatment to people in both rich and poor countries, in effect risking their lives if not outright killing them. The poor particularly bear the brunt of this malpractice.

Scheduled global protests, an alternative forum, and a raging debate with regards to the nature of global fora were the results of the 6th World Social Forum (WSF) held in Bamako and Caracas recently.

In the recently concluded World Trade Organization (WTO) ministerial conference in Hong Kong last December, industrialised nations got what they wanted from developing countries, as shown in the services text of the conference declaration. Now, the US is seeking to step up its advantage by actively pursuing bilateral trade negotiations, even at the expense of people’s welfare.

Multinational companies (MNCs) exert undue influence over the World Trade Organization (WTO) policymaking process, a recently launched report of Action Aid International says. “Under the Influence” reports that corporate lobby groups are ensuring that multinational corporate interests are prioritised in trade policies at the expense of poor people worldwide.