In any war, the most vulnerable members of the community are usually women, children, older people, and people with disability. Surviving bombs and bullets, they continue to face challenges even after the troops are gone.

Small arms, according to the United Nations, are the real weapons of mass destruction, killing over 500,000 people worldwide (or 10,000 weekly) in 2005 alone.

Of the developing nations in Asia, China and India have shown the most rapid economic growth, fast joining the United States and Europe as superpowers.

Far from just being an end-of-the-world scenario in films, climate change is now terrifyingly real.

HIV/AIDS has been recognised as having a big impact on development concerns in least developed countries. As such, it is a public health issue that has needed and received worldwide concern and commitments to reduce its rising incidence.

With numerous scandals and accusations of mismanagement confronting the United Nations during his term, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan proposed a major reform of the world body, from the membership of the Security Council, to its becoming more democratic in nature. One of the main proposals is on a new Human Rights Council (HRC) to replace the UN’s Commission on Human Rights.