Women around the world continue to monitor their governments' efforts to fulfill their commitments to the Beijing Platform for Action. For Asia and the Pacific, women's organisations recently came together to prepare for this periodic review at the APNGO Forum on Beijing plus 15 last October 25, 2009, convened by Asia Pacific Women Watch.

by Nina Somera, Isis International

Energy has been a key driver of our activities, from our everyday realities to the operations of global economies. Given the expected growth of industries in coming year, it is estimated that the world would require 50 per cent more energy in only 20 years. But as signs of environmental stress become more palpable, there is an increasing need on the manner we have fueled the world.

by Nina Somera, Isis International

Bangkok, Thailand (3 October 2009) - In this morning meeting on financing, the parties continue to lock horns over the discussions on the architecture.

The G77 countries and China, represented by the Philippines have been pushing for alternative financing mechanisms under the Convention. Meanwhile, developed countries maintain their position in prefering existing financial institutions. As Japan said, “Institutional arrangements need to be decentralised. We can’t see the necessity of have a big structure to cover financing.”

Statement of Isis International, 12 August 2009

On 11 August 2009, Aung San Suu Kyi was sentenced to 18 months of house arrest. In an attempt to sound considerate, the Burmese junta said that this was half of what should have been the actual penalty, three years in prison with hard labour.

By Johanna Son, Inter Press Service

[Editor's Note: The article was originally published by Terra Viva on 11 August 2009 . Johanna Son is a former board member of Isis International.]

One can take anti-retroviral therapy to cope with HIV. But how does one cure the deeply rooted social inequities that leave groups like men who have sex with men and drug users, as well as women, out of the reach of efforts to address the pandemic? This question, at the core of discussions at Tuesday’s plenary session at the 9th International Conference on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP) here, points to what many say is the next big step in the fight against HIV and AIDS.

by Isis International

Back in 1983, two million people attended Senator Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino's funeral cortege. Although described as the Philippine's largest and longest funeral cortege and protest, the event hardly made it to the local media the next day. Instead, the then Daily Express featured a man who was electrocuted by lightning.