The torrential Amazon rains did not prevent around 70,000 activists to participate in the first rally at the World Social Forum in Belem, Brazil.

Composed mostly of representatives from Brazilian social movements but with a signifant presence of foreign activists, the march was charactherised by various colours and rhythms. The marchers, especially the young, shouted their own slogans to the distinctive tunes from samba drums.

by Eleanor Kilroy, Women Living Under Muslim Laws

It cannot be overstated how unnecessary and illegal this war is.

Although Israel unilaterally disengaged from the Gaza strip in September 2005, Israel still controls all of Gaza’s borders, its airspace and territorial waters. Following the Hamas victory in the Palestinian Authority elections in 2006, Israeli and international economic sanctions have been imposed, creating an ongoing humanitarian crisis, and since 2007 Gaza has faced total collapse amid an Israeli blockade. The Gaza Strip, therefore, not only remains under active Israeli occupation, but is entirely at its mercy. Israel is, and has long been, in flagrant violation of its responsibilities to the people of Gaza under the fourth Geneva Convention.

Statement of Isis International
8 January 2009

Isis International joins our sisters in Palestine and Israel and around the world in demanding an immediate cessation of hostilities and destruction in Gaza, and the reopening of Gaza to facilitate the flow of much needed humanitarian aid. We extend our solidarity to the innocent civilians, and especially to the women and children, victims of the militarism and fundamentalisms on both sides of the conflict that are causing death, destruction and suffering. We demand that women be integrally involved in building a just and sustainable peace.

Statement of Isis International on the ongoing conflict in Gaza
8 January 2009

Isis International joins our sisters in Palestine and Israel and around the world in demanding an immediate cessation of hostilities and  destruction in Gaza, and the reopening of Gaza to facilitate the flow of much needed humanitarian aid. We extend our solidarity to the innocent civilians, and especially to the women and children, victims of the militarism and fundamentalisms on both sides of the conflict that are causing death, destruction and suffering. We demand that women be integrally involved in building a just and sustainable peace.

by Bianca Miglioretto*

For five days, from 3 to 6 November 2008, it was normal in Ibis Hotel in Vienna, Austria to be lesbian, gay, transgender and bisexual. I was not in doubt whether I would “out” myself to new people I would meet.

by Nina Somera

Editor’s Note: Gigi Francisco is the newly appointed Global Coordinator of the Development Alternatives for Women in the New Era (DAWN). She is also the Chair of the International Studies Department of Miriam College in the Philippines. Isis gets up close and personal with Gigi Francisco to learn her thoughts on DOHA, Southern feminism, Obama, sex, love and much more. Below are excerpts of the interview. You may see the full text down below.