For days, Garima Devi has not let her son to go play with her neighbours nor to attend her classes in school. Garima is not the lone parent depriving her child of friends and education.

A Call to Action

[Editor's note: This is a civil society statement on the Doha Round. As of this writing, talks in Geneva collapsed, with the absence of consensus primarily among China, India and the United States. To sign up for the campaign, visit Focus on the Global South,]

We, representatives of peasant organizations, women, migrants, workers, urban and rural poor, fisherfolks, social movements and civil society organizations from East and Southeast Asia call for the rejection of the Doha Round.

With her back leaning on the white-washed wall, a young mother tries to breastfeed and calm her infant. Several other backs try to find support on the homey surface and several more arms carry tiny but hungry and disturbed human beings. All in a temporary shelter of sheer survival.

(Declaration of Civil Society Participants in the International Solidarity Days of the G8 Action Network, 8 July 2008)

The G8 Summit opened in Hokkaido yesterday with the usual rhetoric of concern about conditions in Africa. These are statements that few people in Africa and the rest of the world take seriously, given how far the G8 governments are from raising the US$20 billion they pledged for Africa at the Gleneagles Summit in 2005.

Three years since the last World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), the process continues to be a subject of discussion and even strategising among women's groups and other civil society organisations who participated in the event that officially recognised the dawn of the “information society.” The mark of WSIS likewise remains in the United Nations (UN), opening new processes which intend to deepen discussions on particular issues such as internet governance and link ICTs with other UN agenda such as the Milennium Development Goals.

The long queues for cheaper grains, corn, and bread in the Philippines, Bangladesh, Egypt, Mexico, Southern Africa and elsewhere and the escalating violence due to food shortage in Haiti and Somalia, are becoming more commonplace. With the increasing tensions and speculations over the food crisis, the United Nations (UN), led by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) organised a High-Level Conference on World Food Security from 3 to 5 June 2008 in Italy.