By Mary Ann M. Arnado
in Davao City

The question that is frequently asked is "Why an All-Women Contingent of the Mindanao Peoples Caucus (MPC) in the Civilian Protection Component (CPC) of the International Monitoring Team (IMT)?" Why women? The knee-jerk reaction, albeit, a nasty one is, why not? Why is women's participation in any formal peace and security structure always put into question?

After explaining the litany of reasons on why women should be part in the formal ceasefire mechanisms as mandated by Resolution 1325 which the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) unanimously adopted on 31 October 2000, the follow-up questions thrown to MPC are: "Are these women trained? Can they possibly do it? Will they be effective? Can they make a difference?"

Why should women bear the burden of proving they could make a difference while the men (also read as soldiers, rebels, field commanders and generals) had long been making a total mess of our security situation? Again, the naughty answer can be, "Well, we don't even have to make a difference. Like you, we have the right to be here, period."

March 8, 2011 marks the Global Centenary of the International Women's Day. Women leaders from all over the world commemorate this occasion to celebrate the political, social, cultural and economic achievements of women. It is in fact a national holiday in many countries like China, Russia, Vietnam and Bulgaria.

For the women in Mindanao, especially in the conflict-affected areas, the All Women Contingent in the CPC is a triumph of our decade-old advocacy to operationalize the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and the century old struggle against women oppression, exclusion and invisibility. The said resolution calls upon all members of the United Nations to promote and recognize the participation of women in peace and security processes. In the context of the long-drawn armed conflict in Mindanao, that includes representation of women in the peace panels, ceasefire committees, the Ad hoc Joint Action Group and the International Monitoring Team, among others.

The entry of the women in the CPC-IMT is unprecedented in the long and arduous history of the peace process between the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front for coming to terms with this long assertion by women's groups. This is the first time in the peace talks either with the Communists or Moro revolutionaries that the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and 1820 (which addresses sexual violations in armed conflict situation), were specifically mentioned as references in the Terms of Reference of the Civilian Protection Component.

Secretary Teresita Quintos-Deles, the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process, expressed in her Keynote Message during the All Women Contingent CPC Launch: "Today, our civil society counterpart is launching an all-women peace-keeping force, most likely the first we ever had in our history of waging peace in the country. I have always been optimistic that gradually and one day, we would live to see ourselves go beyond the rhetoric and witness women really move to the front and center of the peace process. Today is one such day, yet still, I am caught up in amazement of it all. I know that you know what this means, as ones who have lived and struggled with many communities ravaged by war."

Since its formal launch in Aleosan, North Cotabato on October 5, 2010, the women contingent has drawn an overwhelming support. As their entry in the security structures are met with skepticism and resignation by some sections of the military including non-state actors and religious leaders, the response from women political leaders, grassroots and bureaucrats from local government units are highly encouraging and supportive.

The Provincial governments of Sarangani and North Cotabato, for instance, are fully supportive of the all-women contingent. They have opened up their offices, including their human resources, to give support to the CPC operations. The Mayor of Kauswagan in Lanao del Norte, expressed all-out support in the civilian protection work. This is especially essential for Kauswagan which has been attacked several times by the forces of Commander Bravo of the 102 Base Command of the MILF and where then President Joseph Estrada declared his "all-out war" against the MILF in 2000.

It is also heartening to see Major General Datuk Baharom Bin Hamza, who recently completed his tour of duty as Head of Mission of the International Monitoring Team (IMT), together with the GPH-MILF Joint Coordinating Committee on the Cessation of Hostilities (Joint CCCH) champion the cause of women in the IMT itself.

At this early stage of organizing and setting-up the field offices, the MPC has applied for the accreditation of 30 women to make up the All Women Contingent. These women come from diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds. Aged 20 to 62, the CPC women personnel are now deployed in Kauswagan, Lanao del Norte, Aleosan, North Cotabato, Alabel, Sarangani and Davao Oriental. In the coming months, they will also expand their operations in Isulan to cover the province of Sultan Kudarat.

As stated in the Agreed Framework on Civilian Protection, the CPC is tasked to monitor the compliance of both Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) on the following commitments:

  1. To monitor the safety and security of civilian communities in the conflict areas;
  2. To monitor and ensure that both Parties respect the sanctity of places of worship namely mosques, churches and religious places and social institutions including schools, madaris, hospitals and all places of civilian nature;
  3. To monitor the needs of the IDPs and the delivery of relief and rehabilitation support efforts in conflict affected areas in Mindanao;
  4. To strengthen ownership of the peace process by supporting and empowering communities to handle conflicts at the grassroots level;
  5. To monitor acts of violence against civilian in conflict affected areas; and
  6. To strengthen linkages and information-sharing between IMT and Peace Panels.

Why do they want to be part of the CPC?

For Bencita Saliling, an Arumanen Manuvu who hails in Carmen, North Cotabato, her participation in the CPC is a hard-won achievement not only for women but of the Arumanen Manuvu tribe. Since childhood, the only thing I know whenever there is fighting is to run away for safety in the evacuation centers. The thought of armed groups was already horrifying, how much more to monitor and report the violations they have committed against civilians. I could not even dare to face and talk to soldiers and rebels alike. That was then completely unimaginable. Seeing that as my new role now in the CPC signals the beginning of a process of genuine conflict resolution and transformation Peace is now possible as the then unimaginable is already happening.

Rohanifa Atar, a young Moro from Lanao, says her involvement in the CPC is a complete breakthrough for her. I could not even bring myself to talking with men, how much more to military soldiers and rebels. But the presence of these brave and courageous women in the CPC has boosted my confidence. If people from other countries have left the comfort of their homes to help us here in Mindanao, if they are doing this to protect Bangsamoro civilians, how much more is expected of me as a Muslim woman?

Dinah Montecillo, a Cebuana from Kauswagan and a wife of a Pastor, is now being accused by some of her neighbors as anti-Christian because she dared visit Maranao communities in Lanao del Sur. Being in dialogue with the Maranaos can be misconstrued as a betrayal in these highly polarized societies. I don't mind these comments anymore even if sometimes I get deeply hurt. What is important is my faith that the peacemaking work that I am doing is very much pleasing to God. If that is anti-Christian to some people, so be it. I realized that we are all victims here whether you are a Muslim or Christian. And that is why I am working together with Muslim and indigenous women in the CPC so that altogether, we can stop our men from attacking civilian communities.

The challenges for these women are daunting and formidable. They could not of course compete with the training, resources, exposures and know-how of the international members of the IMT. But their presence ushers in meaningful changes in the way the peace process is moving in Mindanao. They provide a unique contribution in the CPC which only these women could offer: the capacity to love unconditionally and to serve and protect civilians like they are their own children and family members.

So, why women? Imagine a place without your mothers, grandmothers, wives, girlfriends, aunts, daughters and granddaughters? That is like missing the other half of the world. (Lawyer Mary Ann Arnado is Secretary General of the Mindanao Peoples Caucus and Convener of the Bantay Ceasefire. She is also a Fellow of the Women Peacemakers Program of the Institute for Peace and Justice,University of San Diego, San Diego, California).