A training on “Making Governance Gender Responsive” will be held on February 19-24, this year in Manila, Philippines organised by the Center for Asia Pacific Women in Politics (CAPWIP). Find out how you can participate.

The Center for Asia Pacific Women in Politics (CAPWIP) Institute for Gender, Governance and Leadership will organise a training titled “Making Governance Gender Responsive” in Manila, Philippines on February 19-24, 2007.

The training is designed for parliamentarians, middle and senior level government executives and officials, women and men in local governments, political parties, research and training institutes, civil society organisations and non-government organisations that are leading or participating in governance reform initiatives in their respective countries in the Asia-Pacific region.

The course is composed of modules developed to enhance the participants' understanding of the link between gender and governance as well as increase their awareness of gender biases in governance.

Since this is the 6th time that CAPWIP is offering this, the training course has been revised and redesigned based on feedback from previous trainings. The course has been expanded from a three-day to a six-day course and is now heavy on case studies and field trips. The training is offered and designed for a small group of about 25 to 30 participants. Registration fee is US$1,500 for single room accommodations and US$1,300 for twin room sharing accommodations.

For more details, go to <http://www.capwip.org/training/mggr.htm>.