The Yogyakarta Principles—a set of principles that address a broad range of human rights issues relevant to sexual orientation and gender identity issues around the world—formulated in November 2006 in Indonesia, was finally launched last month in Geneva, Switzerland.

A set of principles on the application of international human rights law in relation to sexual orientation and gender identity, dubbed the “Yogyakarta Principles,” was launched in Geneva last March 26 by a group of international human rights experts. 

This groundbreaking set of principles is a “landmark advance in the struggle for basic human rights as well as gender equality,” said Human Rights Watch and the Center for Women’s Global Leadership.

Adopted by a meeting of experts in international law in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, in November 2006, the Yogyakarta Principles confirm legal standards for how governments and other actors should end violence, abuse, and discrimination against lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders, as well as ensure gender equality.

In response to human rights violations across the globe on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity, the Yogyakarta Principles aim to ensure universality of human rights and their application to all persons without discrimination, as well as the right of all people to recognition before the law, and to address:
- rape and other forms of gender-based violence;
- extrajudicial executions;
- torture, arbitrary detention, and other forms of cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment;
- medical abuses;
- repression of free speech and assembly; and
- discrimination in work, health, education, housing, access to justice, and immigration.

For further information and the full text of the “Yogyakarta Principles,” visit <> or send email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

“The Yogyakarta Principles to be launched on 26 March in Geneva” from the International Gay and Lesbian Association-Europe, posted on March 19, 2007, <>.
“‘Yogyakarta Principles’ a Milestone for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Rights” from Human Rights Watch, posted on March 26, 2007, <>.