Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) recently released “Dossier 28,” a collection of articles on secularism, while the “Equal Rights, Equal Voices–Migrant women in the European Union” by the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is also off the press. Find out how to access these publications.

Dossier 28: A collection of articles on secularism

Released in December 2006 by the Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML), “Dossier 28”  delves on issues around secularism in the context of today’s globally rising extreme right politics justified with reference to religion and rising neo-liberalism’s impact on democratic governance and social inclusion.

Dossier 28 presents various analyses of secularism, from the perspective of theory as well as lived experiences in contexts as diverse as Algeria, Argentina, China, Egypt, France, India, Italy, Senegal, South Africa, and Sudan.

Download this publication at <www.wluml.org/english/pubs/pdf/dossier28/WLUML-Dossier28-English-Pages-v2r-web.pdf>.

Dossier 28 is part of a series of WLUML dossiers. WLUML is an international solidarity network that provides information, support and a collective space for women whose lives are shaped, conditioned or governed by laws and customs said to derive from Islam. For more information, visit <www.wluml.org/english/>.

Equal Rights, Equal Voices–Migrant Women in the European Union

“Equal Rights, Equal Voices–Migrant women in the European Union” presents the result of a three-day event organised by the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) in January 2007 in Brussels, Belgium which surfaced the main challenges migrant women face in terms of integration and empowerment in European Union (EU) countries.

Participants were able to exchange positive and negative experiences and explore together innovative ways to ensure that migrant women’s particular concerns are taken into account by decision makers. Migrant women participants formulated recommendations around the following main issues:
– The legal status of third-country nationals living in the EU and its impact on integration;
– Women’s human rights: violence, sexual and reproductive rights, health of migrant women;
– Promoting the participation of migrant women in public, political, and economic life (education, access to employment, working conditions, decision making); and
– Exploring the possibilities to develop and strengthen networking between migrant women and women’s organisations at national and European level.

This report is available in English and French upon request. Contact Clarisse Delorme (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for requests or further details.

EWL is the largest umbrella organisation of women’s associations in the EU. EWL is active in different areas such as women’s economic and social position, women in decision making, violence against women, women’s diversity, among others.  Visit <www.womenlobby.org/site/hp.asp>.