German police has launched large-scale raids in 40 private houses and social centres in Berlin, Hamburg, and Bremen. Their target: alleged terrorists planning to disrupt the upcoming G8 world economic summit in Rostock, Germany. Activists and G8 protesters who have gathered in these centres for the Summit cry foul.

On May 9, German police have launched a series of raids against alleged activists suspected of planning to disrupt or prevent the G8 summit through bombings and other violent attacks.

Around 900 police engaged in a wave of searches on 40 sites, including private houses and social centres in Berlin, Hamburg, and Bremen. Affected social centres including “Rote Flora” in Hamburg and “Bethanien” in Berlin are planned to be convergence centres for international and national activists before the G8 protest.

Also, the alternative web provider has been a target. Police have confiscated a server and private computers since many left-wing and alternative projects have their websites, mailing lists, and mail addresses hosted by

Attac, an anti-globalisation group, said that the police raids were trying to “criminalise the entire spectrum of G8 opponents.”

Paragraph 129a of the German Criminal Code, which penalises the formation of terrorist organisations and the support of or recruitment for it, served as the legal basis for the police to conduct this large-scale raid. This anti-terrorist law allows for high sentences without prosecution, permits spying of the left-wing movement, and its organisational structures, and curtails people’s defence rights.

In the past, the law has been used to intimidate activists and has led to numerous false accusations and suspicions being raised against those with non-conformist political views.

The G8 summit, to be attended by the ministers of the eight richest states—Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States—will take place in Heiligendamm, Germany on June 6-8, 2007.

G8 Alternative Summit

Activists and G8 protesters will gather together for the G8 Alternative Summit, to be held in Rostock on June 5-7 to discuss and develop alternatives to the policies of the G8. Visit <> or contact Florian Butollo at telephone +49 (0)30-280418-11 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.

Videos and films on protests against G8 summit

G8-TV, <>, is providing a platform for video activists who intend to cover protests against the G8 summit to easily upload their videos and films. 

From June 2-8, new video clips will be produced and uploaded every day. Translators will provide subtitles in English, French, Spanish, and Russian, as well as other languages such as Greek, Japanese, Arabian, among others. Live newscast, in German and English, will also be webstreamed every night. The website will also feature news clips and interviews. Visit < >.

Related article:
Civil society gears up for anti-G8 protests in June” in we! April 2007, No. 2

“German police in G8 protest raids” from BBC News, posted on May 9, 2007, <>.
“Germany: Police raid G8 activists” from Statewatch, <>.
“Wave of Repression against anti-G8 structures” from Indymedia UK, posted on May 9, 2007, <>.