Women human rights activists were arrested in Fiji after staging a protest vigil in front of the Chinese embassy last 9 April 2008 in the capital, Suva. The women were protesting  the Chinese government's harsh treatment of Tibetans, who held protest marches as well as violent riots in March 2008 in Tibetan capital, Lhasa. Sympathy for Tibetans and their cause to regain independence from China has been gathering worldwide support and gaining media attention for a decades-old struggle by exiled Tibetans.
In Suva, the 17 women who were arrested include Shamima Ali (Fiji Human Rights Commissioner), Claire Slatter, (Past Coordinator of DAWN), Noelene Nabulivou, (Coordinator of Women's Action for Change), Tara Chetty and four other women's rights activists from the Fiji Women's Rights Movement (FWRM), Edwina Kotoisuva and colleagues from the Fiji Women's Crisis Centre, Jane Keith-Reid and three other activists from the AIDS Taskforce. As of 11 April 2008, 11 of those arrested had been freed by the Fiji police, but still face charges for staging without a permit.

"These unnecessary arrests have made a big incident out of what was a quiet and peaceful vigil showing solidarity with our fellow activists in Tibet,” said Tara Chetty of FWRM. "This violation of the human rights of free speech and peaceful assembly, protected in the Fiji Constitution and at international law, is particularly troubling at a time when Fiji is ruled by an unelected government.’’

The incident also highlights the relationship between Pacific governments fostering relations with China to receive investments and aid.

Fiji is currently led by Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama, who took power in a military coup in December 2006. As reported by InterPress Service, Fiji and Tonga are the two Pacific countries that have been vocal in supporting the “One-China policy” -- not recognising the independence of Taiwan --  as well as the Chinese government's treatment of Tibetan protesters.


Radio Australia. (2008, April 8). Retrieved on April 14, 2008, from  http://www.abc.net.au/ra/news/stories/200804/s2214640.htm

Singh, S. (2008). RIGHTS-FIJI: Pro-Tibet Protestors Arrrested, Face Charges Retrieved on April 14, 2008, from http://www.ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=41968

Tara Chetty (personal e-mail communications).10 April 2008.