Local media and community radio stations in Yogyakarta City, while severely affected by the 27 May 2006 earthquake in Indonesia, have begun to respond to relief and assistance efforts and support national and
international relief operations. Yogyakarta and its nearby villages were severely affected by the quake that claimed the lives of at least 6,000 people and rendered some 600,000 homeless.
As of June 13, people still live under the risk of an eruption of Mt. Merapi, 30 miles from Yogyakarta City.

Internews reports that the 18 community radios in Yogyakarta were relatively unharmed. Radio has been the most reliable source of information for the quake survivors as most newspapers have not been able to distribute their issues, and television stations suffered structural damage. Power blackouts still occur in the area.

However, the 19 community radio sations in the villages of Bantul, Klaten and Gunung Kidul have gone off air as their buildings and equipment suffered damage from the quake. Power has not returned to many areas, while rains and flooding has caused additional damage to structures.

To remedy the lack of communications in the quake-affected areas, the Masyarakat Pers & Penyiaran Indonesia (MPPI-Indonesian Press and Broadcast Society) is planning to build an emergency radio station in Yogyakarta. This station will provide much-needed aid information as well as safety warnings in anticipation of Mt. Merapi's eruption. Jaringan Radio Komunitas, Community Radio Network (JRK) of Yogyakarta together with Internews-Indonesia will also connect the still operating radio stations with a mobile telephone messaging system to create a network for emergency response.

Internews is appealing for donations so that it can

  • Distribute 5,500 hand crank radio sets to displaced villagers through a network of local volunteers
  • Get power generators to two local radio stations immediately so they can get back on the air fulltime and broadcast emergency information
  • Get field recording equipment for a core news team to gather and disseminate information
  • Set up an information network between community radio stations, reporters and village leaders.

They advise that contribution in support of the emergency response should be marked with the words Yogya Relief.

Contact information for Internews efforts in Yogyakarta are:

JoAnne Sullivan Woolley
Internews Network
Washington, DC
+1 (202) 833-5740 ext 208
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Kathleen Reen
Internews Regional Office Bangkok
+ (66) 91 9-08-97
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The World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC) has also sent out an appeal for assistance that will go to KBR68H radio station. Financial contributions can be sent to them, marked "Yoga appeal" via this bank account.

Bank BCA
Bank Branch: Utan Kayu, Kantor Cabang Pembantu, Jakarta, Indonesia
Account number: 5800091090
Account name: PT Media Lintas Inti Nusantara
SWIFT Code: cenaidja


Sharpe, Wayne, 2006. "Situation Report: The Media and the Yogyakarta Earthquake" as retrieved on June 14, 2006 from

Email correspondence from Tessa Piper, Country Program Director, Media Development Loan Fund
through the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters mailing list [Asia-Pacific general].