by Nina Somera, Isis International

Bangkok, Thailand - The group G77 and China expressed its frustration over the apparent derailing tactics of developed nations led by the United States (US). It also confirmed that some developed countries are attempting to withdraw from the Kyoto Protocol, that is a binding commitment of 184 countries in reducing greenhouse gases.

Sudan’s Lumumba Da-ping, the chair of the G77 and China reiterated that while they remain engaged in the negotiations, there has not been much progress especially in accounting and financing the cost of climate change.

“The figures of initial reduction of developed countries are still far below than required. We believe that developed countries have to deliver on their commitments. They are the only way to address the issue of climate change,” he remarked.

According to South Africa’s chief negotiator Alf Wills pledges of emissions reduction by developed nations play between 17 to 22 per cent. The US has an even lower commitment of 11 to 18 per cent. “Based on IPCC science, there is a huge gap between what they put on the table and what they need to achieved.”

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a scientific body that assesses the impact of climate change, developed countries need to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent, below the 1990s level by 2020.

Wills shared that the negotiations have indeed been slow with the refusal of developed countries to discuss their commitments under the Kyoto Protocol and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. As he said, “We need to build on the successes that we have and strengthen the implementation of the Protocol. But developing countries have avoided to sitting in deep and ambitious targets on the second commitment period.”

He added, “The Convention itself provides the rule of the game. There is an issue of equity where developed countries need to take the lead, along with common and differentiated responsibilities.”

Bernarditas Muller, the representative of G77 and China in the discussions on financing reiterated failure of existing financing mechanisms such as the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the World Bank in alleviating poverty and halting unsustainable development. As she pointed out “We will not follow the same mistakes of the development paths of the past.” She confirmed that some developed nations “are attempting to quit KP.”

Da-ping likewise shunned proposals of developed nations through buzzwords such as “green economy” and “carbon economy.” “‘Carbon-free economy’ should not be built at the cost of billions of lives in the developing countries. Economic sustainability development is part and parcel of the equation and this is a matter of equity,” he asserted.

He denied reports that Saudi Arabia, the small island developing states (SIDs) and some African countries are stalling the negotiations, reiterating that G77 and China are solid. “The notions that Saudi Arabia and other developing countries are being difficult are not true. No countries whether China, Chad or Cuba would deny the interest of others,” he remarked.

He further asserted, “Developed countries are discarding the Kyoto Protocol. And they have to spin another story.”