Media diversity and sustainability summit: Good for business, good for democracy
7-8 September 2006, Indaba Hotel, Johannesburg, South Africa
Announcing the second regional Gender and Media Awards

As part of the Media Diversity and Sustainability Summit 2006 GEMSA, MISA and Gender Links will be presenting the second Southern African Gender and Media Awards. The awards will recognise and acknowledge good gender and media practice since the Summit of 2004.

Awards are invited in the following categories:

Print (including articles published in magazines, newspapers, online publications)

There are four awards in this category:
  • News
  • Feature stories
  • Opinion and commentary
  • Cartoons


There are three awards in this category:
  • News
  • Radio documentaries
  • Talk shows


There are two awards in this category:
  • News
  • Documentary

There is one award in this category:


Awards for best practices in:
  • HIV/AIDS reporting
  • Economic reporting
  • Sustained reporting on a particular issue (in this category you need to submit a series articles on a particular issue or theme)
Please note that all categories are inclusive of commercial, community and public/state media.

Criteria for submissions
  • All work submitted must have been produced between July 2004 and May 2006.
  • Only individual submissions are allowed.
  • Submissions may be in French, English and Portuguese.

What do you need to submit
A completed application form. See below.
A motivation of why your work should be considered for an award. Last section of the application form.
If you want to submit more than one piece each piece must be accompanied by a separate application form.
You need to submit the following with your application:
For print: actual artifacts
For radio: audio cassettes/DVDs
For television: video cassettes/DVDs
For photojournalism: actual artifacts
For opinion and commentary: actual artifacts
Acknowledgement at the end of the application form signed off by the
editor or programme manager.
Note: If the work you submit does not have your byline or an attribution
you may still submit if the editor or programme manager signs
acknowledging that the work is yours.

Where and when to submit entries:
Entries may be sent to: Summit Administrator, 9 Derrick Avenue
Cyrildene, 2198
Johannesburg, South Africa
Dropped off at a MISA country offices or at the following addresses in
each country:

MISA Botswana
398 Kgasa Close
Extension 4
MISA Lesotho
House Number 1 B Happy Villa

MISA Malawi
Onions Complex,
off Chilambula Rd.
Area 4, Lilongwe
5 Edwin Ythier Street
Rose Hill

MISA Mozambique
Av. Ahmed Sekou Tour,
nr 2710
R/C (Ground Floor)
MISA Namibia
Rossini Street

L'Echo Des Iles Office

South Africa
GEMSA Secretariat
9 Derrick Avenue
MISA Tanzania
Clocktower Shopping Center Building
Uhuru/Nkrumah Street
MISA Swaziland
Dlanubeka House
6th Floor, Office 604
(corner of Mdada & Lalufadlana Streets)
MISA Zambia
Plot 3814
Martin Mwamba Road
Olympia Park
MISA Zimbabwe
84 McChlery Avenue

Closing date
Deadline: 5 August 2006

Criteria for best gender and media practices
The criteria for the awards will consider the following issues:
Gender balance of sources (voices)
Gender neutral language
Awareness of differential impact
Fairness in approach to issue
No double standards
No moralizing
No open prejudice
No ridicule
No placing of blame
Challenges stereotypes
Simple accessible gender sensitive language
Gender disaggregated data

The awards
In each category there will be a winner. The prize will include a cash
award of R3000 and the opportunity to attend and speak at the Media
Diversity and Sustainability Summit in Johannesburg.

For more information you may contact Kubi Rama on +27 11 622 2877 or fax
+27 11 622 4732 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..