The World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC) will ensure worldwide broadcast of the XVI International HIV-AIDS Conference, which will be held from 13-18 August 2006 in Toronto, Canada.

More than 20 community radio journalists from Brazil, Canada, Gambia, Haiti, Nepal, Peru and Senegal will report from the conference site to the community radio network of AMARC. Transmission in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish will be coordinated by Pulsar, AMARCs information agency in Latin America; by SIMBANI, AMARCs news agency in Africa; and by representatives of community radios from all regions served by AMARC.

The world coverage of the International HIV-AIDS Conference is ensured in partnership with the International AIDS Society, the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), participating community radio stations, and NGO partners.

To see the schedule of worldwide broadcast, listen to the live broadcast and/or listen to the individual audio files, please go to:

AMARC broadcast schedule for the International HIV-AIDS Conference
Time (Toronto, Canada) Region Language
9:15-9:45 Asia-Pacific English, Nepali and others
9:45-10:15 Africa French
10:15-10:45 English
10:45-12:15 Conference broadcast Multilingual
12:15-12:45 Latin America and the Caribbean Spanish
12:45-13:15 French
13:15-13:45 Portuguese
13:45-14-00 Global broadcast English
14:00-14:45 French
14:45-15:30 Spanish
15:30-16:15 Portuguese