Feminist Internationla Radio Endeavour (FIRE) launched an international campaign to address and curb violence against women in the Internet, at the International Know How Conference 2006 in held in Mexico City last August 21-26, 2006.

The Campaign Against Violence in the Internet:  Connected by a Network Free of Violence is designed to raise awareness and contribute to the elimination of violence against women in the Internet, which may range from sexual harassment and abuse in chat rooms and blogs to stalking through email to violent pornography, all of which violate the human rights of women.    Some of this violence takes similar forms that have existed outside the Internet, whereas others reflect new forms of expression and abuse.

Individuals, organizations or networks may join the campaign by committing to renounce and counteract any form of violence against women on the web, and likewise assume a personal commitment to end violence against women.  They may post the campaign logo on their website as a commitment to keep it free of violence and promote the respectful use of the internet.

Also at KnowHow, FIRE presented workshops in Spanish and English on its four-year multi-method study entitled, A feminist reconceptualization of interactivity of media: FIRE coverage of women & armed conflict.  The study examined the impact of FIRE on its audience and connects it to an in-depth analysis of FIRE coverage of women in armed conflicts in Colombia and the Middle East.

The study showed that FIRE has an interactive impact on the audience ranging from amplifying women's voices and perspectives, to bridging to political organizations and movements, to connecting and building movements.  In armed conflict, FIRE amplifies the voices of women whose perspectives as active agents for peace are ignored in mainstream media, and are portrayed mainly as passive victims. Likewise, FIRE's broadcasts provide a bridge to the audience to learn about and get involved in political actions and activities of women's peace organizations, and promote collaboration to help build political and social movements for peace.

For more information about the KnowHow Conference go to: http://knowhow-pueg.unam.mx/english_site/index_eng.html.

For more information about the Campaign Against Violence on the Internet, or FIRE's study on it's internet audience and FIRE coverage of women in armed conflicts, go to: www.radiofeminista.net in Spanish and English, or write to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..