Isis International-Manila took part in the recently concluded 2nd ASEAN Civil Society Conference on December 10 to 12, 2006 in Cebu, Philippines.

Audio coverage of talks and discussions on pressing issues surrounding the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)—the organisation and the region—such as the charter, ASEAN regionalism, ASEAN commitments, among others are now available at Isis International-Manila website, <>.

Full speeches and discussions during some of the workshops, including those on “Women Re-claiming the ASEAN Community as a Democratic Project” and “Barriers to Access to Information, Knowledge and Communication Rights in South East Asia” can also be downloaded from the website.

The three-day conference gathered together various civil society groups to discuss issues confronting civil society at present in the context of the ASEAN. The conference served as a platform in tackling the implications and dilemmas of regional integration as well as in exploring alternatives to these issues.



A Podcast is an audio file that can be easily downloaded and accessed by your computers' media player and/or your portable MP3/audio player.

The Association for Progressive Communications (APC), <>.