In this digital age of new technology and ICT, how effective is traditional media? Development planners still believe that traditional media like community radio remains the source of information and outlet for most poor people.

“Radio is hugely successful in developing countries. Community radio – radio for and by the community – seeks participation from local people, defends their interests, informs and educates. It can make a great contribution to social inclusion and development,” says id21, a UK-enabled project for international development.

With community radio for development as the main focus, id21 will launch a four week online discussion from 23 January to 17 February 2006. The discussion will focus on three topics – the enabling environment for community radio, sustainability, and assessing social impact.

A report on the resulting debates, conclusions and recommendations will be prepared and made available online by March 2006.

To join the discussion, send an email to: <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> with the message ‘subscribe communityradio yourfirstname yourlastname’: e.g. ‘subscribe communityradio Jane Smith’

For more information on the program, visit: <> or email <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>


“Voices for change tuning into community radio. From insights issue #58 November 2005 posted at <>.