In a world of diverse cultures, how does one advance gender justice within the information society, and promote access to knowledge and communication as a fundamental right?

To address this question, the International Program Committee for the Know How Conference 2006 is calling for “inspiring, provocative and creative papers” on the topic “Weaving the information society: a gender and multicultural perspective.”

Papers are expected to cover, among others: globalisation, culture, information and gender; media, gender and communication; the digital gap, gender and development; indigenous and rural women in relation, ICTs and information society; development of library policies; strategies for financing information initiatives; and policies for development of structures and legal status of the Know How community.

Papers may be written in Spanish, English or French. All proposals must be received by March 1, 2006.

The Conference at which the papers will be presented is hosted by Programa Universitario de Estudios de Gnero (PUEG) and UNAM. It will be held in Mexico City from August 21-26, 2006, with a two-day training and a three-day conference, which will include a book fair and a feminist film festival.

The Conference seeks to promote the use of information to improve women’s lives; develop a strategic plan for filling the information gap among women; to share strategies among the indigenous, excluded and rural women; and to found a Latin American Network of Information Centers and Libraries on Women’s and Gender Studies.

Proposals should be sent to: Know How Conference <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> or <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>. For more information on Know How Community and the 2006 Conference, visit <> or <>

Source: “Know How Conference 2006” <>