Mahila Paksh, a weekly broadsheet in the central Indian city of Gwalior, remains committed to recruiting marginalised women as reporters and helping them cover issues that affect them the most. Find out how the newspaper has helped these women.

A family-run newspaper in India gives marginalised women the opportunity to tell their own stories by becoming the paper's reporters.

Mahila Paksh, which loosely means “Women's Side,” is a weekly broadsheet in the Gwalior city in central India. Staying true to their tag line “To the Women, By the Women, For the Women,” Mahila Paksh is India's only publication dedicated to recruiting marginalised women as reporters and helping them cover issues that affect them the most.

“To develop a society or country, you need to develop the base. At the heart of that base are women. If women do not progress, we as a country cannot go anywhere.” said the newspaper owner and manager, Rupesh Shrivastava. His 20-year-old daughter, Samanvaya Shrivastava is working as the paper's editor while his wife, Asha Shrivastava, a social worker, acts as assistant editor.

Rupesh Shrivastava said the paper, which was launched in 2003, was borne out of a need to gear a newspaper around women's topics since he has witnessed many instances of women's exploitation where justice was swept under the rug. He noticed a gap in the news coverage, which he said allows India's economy to move ahead but leaves women behind.

Under the guidance of editor Samanvaya Shrivastava, reporters tell stories—sometimes their own—that range from refusing dowries and asking for overdue salary raises to demanding the right to stay in school and other issues that affect families and communities on a daily basis. These reporters are also given training on basic writing and fact-finding skills.

According to the Asia News International (ANI), “With reporters filing stories from across India, the paper not only helps women in getting the justice, but also treats women as members and not customers or readers. The paper provides a sense of duty, belongingness, respect, and sensitivity for all women-related issues.”

Rather than relying on advertisement or subscription fee, Mahila Paksh is supported by 12,000 members who pay a yearly fee of 100 rupees or $2.50. Any member can become a reporter by bringing a story and recruiting 15 more members to join. All of the reporters and staff work as volunteers.

A group of Mahila Paksh reporters said that the paper has helped them learn how to assert their rights. They are now aware of laws that allow public access to official documents, ban dowries, and female foeticide.

Vandana Shrivastava, a Mahila Paksh reporter for the past three years, said, “I noticed that females hesitate to speak up a lot. Together we have a powerful voice.”

“It can be very difficult for one woman to stand up. But when you are part of a group that approaches a problem together, it's easier . . . Mahila Paksh is not about the minority of women who realise their potential and know how to use it. It is about the women who do not realise they can make changes.” Samanvaya Shrivastava said.

“India Paper Taps Marginalized Women as Reporters” from Women's eNews, posted on September 30, 2007, <>. “India’s first women-centric newspaper” from Asia News International (ANI), posted on December 12, 2005, <>.