10-12 August 2008
Johannesburg, South Africa

Gender Links (GL) in partnership with the Gender and Media Southern Africa (GEMSA) Network and the Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA), will be holding the third Gender and Media (GEM) Summit from 10-12 August 2008 in Johannesburg, South Africa. The theme of the summit is: “Whose news, whose views? Critical citizens, responsive media”. 

The summit will bring together media practitioners; trainers; gender activists and all those who subscribe to the GEMSA slogan “making every voice count, and counting that it does” to share best practices in creating a more responsive media. The summit will feature the 3rd Gender and Media awards expected to attract a record number of entries. These will include the Media Action Plan (MAP) HIV and AIDS and Gender awards for progressive institutional practice on promoting diversity in the work place and media content.

New features include the Gender and Media Diversity Centre (GMDC) launched in March 2008 and its work in building the capacity of ordinary citizens to engage critically with the media through media literacy projects across the Southern African region. Partners in the GMDC  include knowledge institutions and media development NGOs from Southern Africa and around the world committed to more diverse and responsive media that promote an informed, critical citizenry.

Attached find:
1. Concept paper for the GEM Summit 2008
2. Call for the GEM Awards 2008
3. Call for the SPI MAP Awards
4. Call for best practices for the GEM Summit 2008

Please note the closing date for all three calls is the 13 June 2008.