by Nina Somera

Nepalese feminist Uma Singh, journalist of Radio Today FM was attacked by 15 armed men inside her house on the early evening of 11 January 2009 in Dhanusha, Kathmandu. Because of the gravity of the injuries, her body was disfigured. Singh died on the way to the hospital.

Singh had been hosting, “Garmagaram Chai,” a radio programme on violence against women. Singh often feature letters from listeners, most of whom are VAW survivors. Sometimes the stories of the survivors include the identity or background of the perpetrators. Singh was also an active campaigner, speaking about VAW in various communities.

Her colleague, Jyotsna Maskay, programme coordinator for the Women Human Rights Defenders Campaign (WOREC) described Singh as “an active journalist and a Women Human Rights Defender working on the issues of human rights and women's human rights. Her tool of advocacy was through the radio from where she spoke about [VAW] openly with defiance.”

According to Maskay, VAW remains an issue within the private sphere, despite existing legislations. She also claimed that in certain cases, these laws have worked to the disadvantage of women. In Dhanusha, the past three years saw at least 100 documented cases of VAW, which often comes in the forms of murder, rape and battering. Many cases are also related to dowries.

“Issues of VAW still remain silent and since women issues are private, once it comes to the open, women are considered characterless or are stigmatised. Also Nepal is at a stage where impunity is grave and there is no rule of law and the criminal groups and armed groups are increasing simultaneously so raising issues against them also makes it dangerous,” Maskay explained.

The National Alliance of Women Human Rights Defenders (NAWHRDs), which Maskay heads launched a campaign, immediately after Singh's death. It has been calling for a proper investigation of Signh's murder and state protection for women human rights defenders, among others. “We feel that women need to be safe and secured in any spaces. The state must be held accountable and culture of impunity need to be addressed. It must guarantee the security of WHRDS. VAW must be considered a priority and a political agenda.”

Interview with Jyotsna Maskay (18 January 2008)
National Alliance of Women Human Rights Defenders. “Women Human Rights
Defender Disfigured and Murdered.” (15 January 2008) E-mail communications.